Thursday, January 5, 2017

Never regret kindness.

I was struck not so long ago by the simplicity of an answer to what seemed like an awesome question ... what do you most regret? It came up in an interview with the late Bryce Courtney who was asked if he had any regets in life. He had just one; I wish I had been kinder. 

Now, I didn't know Bryce Courtney personally (I wish!) but judging by the amazing love of his friends and family he was a kind, caring and compassionate man. But still, when asked - knowing his time on Earth was limited, he was terminally ill - his answer, so simple - kindness. 

I'm sure we could all be kinder. I must admit, when I've faced adversity in my own life I've become more humble, more compassionate ... and yes, kinder. I remember Random Acts of Kindness being fashionable years ago, when the movie Pay it Forward was released. I wonder sometimes if we're all becoming too busy for kindness. I know I'm guility of it. Can you remember the last time you went out of your way to be kind?

Here are 10 ideas to increase your kindness quota.

  1. Really listen. You'll make someone feel important. 
  2. Send someone an unexpected gift 
  3. Write a real (kind) letter - with pen and paper. 
  4. Cook a healthy meal for a loved one
  5. Call a friend (no texting, Facebook)
  6. Make a birthday card 
  7. Take your pet (or a neighbour's pet) for a long walk 
  8. Volunteer your time 
  9. Give compliments at every opportunity  
  10. Hug, smile and laugh, a lot ...

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